Dr. Jana Schmidt talked about her studies in science communication and how she now communicates in different directions at Eppendorf. Externally, but also internally, for example when the engineers need to understand how to pipette correctly. Dr. Jan Stäcker is a Marketing Manager and weighed up many advantages and disadvantages on his career path to date: Academia or industry? Doctoral thesis: yes or no? Today he works at Bi-omol and is happy about the diverse tasks he faces in his job in a small company.
After the two presentations, everyone moved to the light-flooded anteroom of the Lübeck Audimax and had a direct exchange with the two LSR members over pretzels and cold drinks. After more than two hours of get-togethers, Jana Schmidt and Jan Stäcker concluded that this exchange was extremely important. They themselves would have liked this for their own studies.
The LSR department would like to thank both speakers and the btS student initiative, who were very successful in promoting the event. We are already looking forward to the next event on November 27 in Aachen.