Der Verband der Diagnostica-Industrie steht für Hightech & Forschung am Standort Deutschland
Get to know our Board of Directors, who determine the direction of our association with their…
These committees and working groups organize the content-related work in the VDGH
Contact persons and management: We are there for you at the VDGH office
The VDGH represents over 100 member companies for diagnostics and life science research (LSR)
Representation of interests and service from tender to approval
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most widespread diseases of our time. Prevention and early…
The VDGH has made the environment and sustainability a top priority. Together with our member…
As an association, one of our central tasks is to support our member companies on the path to…
The life science research industry makes an enormous contribution to making living environments…
The diagnostics industry is one of the most highly regulated sectors in Europe. German,…
Every therapy is preceded by a diagnosis. Highlighting the medical significance of in-vitro…
The VDGH works intensively on the topic of market access for and together with its member…
The VDGH's legal department pools legal expertise and offers comprehensive support for legal…
Find out more about ways into our companies and find directly available job offers on our…
Take advantage of our extensive range of knowledge on preventive healthcare and preventive…
Discover the industry-leading sustainability initiative and find out how we are shaping the…
Pioneers of medical and scientific innovation: Find out more about the dynamic and innovative…
Current market data and how the industry is revolutionizing medical diagnosis and treatment.
Information on the key role of the LSR industry and current market data can be found here.
Current positions of the Verband der Diagnostica-Industrie e.V.
Statements of the VDGH on current legislative projects
Announcements on our own behalf and the latest news from the industry
Events and dates relating to the diagnostics and life science research sector
Innovative and always on the move - that's the diagnostics industry. Read here what's new!…
As background information or news: Association announcements for all media professionals
At a glance: Informative brochures and materials on the VDGH and our topics
Photos and up-to-date graphics for reporting on the diagnostics and life science research…
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