Porträt von zwei selbstbewussten und positiven Wissenschaftlerinnen im Labor.

Connected through
Acting together.

The Association of the Diagnostics Industry represents diagnostics manufacturers and life science research companies in Germany.

The laboratory analytics, self-tests and other products of our member companies identify health risks, detect disease states and document treatment progress. All over the world - whether for chronic illnesses, infections or preventive care.

Connected through diagnostics. Acting together.

Latest news

Diverse facets of the Account Manager job profile
In Germany, over 5.6 million people in need of care are largely looked after by relatives at home. The Association of the Diagnostics Industry (VDGH)…

Facts & Figures


are currently represented by the VDGH
as a trade association.

billion €

turnover was generated by the diagnostics
and LSR industry
in 2023.


of all VDGH member companies
are affected by the shortage of skilled workers

Press releases

VDGH calls for swift reform of the IVDREurope must remain a center of innovation

With yesterday's confirmation of the new EU Commission, Europe is sending out a signal of new beginnings and reform. On the second day of the VDGH…

Joint press release by BPI, BVMed, IHO and VDGH "Ethanol is indispensable in the medical field - and must remain so!"

Four healthcare industry associations are warning against the planned hazard classification of ethanol in a current procedure by the European…

Further topics