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Event reportLSR action day for professions in Aachen
Diverse facets of the Account Manager job profile
Statement of the VDGHOn the draft bill for a law to strengthen nursing skills (Nursing Skills Act - PKG)
In Germany, over 5.6 million people in need of care are largely looked after by relatives at home. The Association of the Diagnostics Industry (VDGH)…
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VDGH Diagnostics Forum in Berlin
VDGH calls for swift reform of the IVDREurope must remain a center of innovation
With yesterday's confirmation of the new EU Commission, Europe is sending out a signal of new beginnings and reform. On the second day of the VDGH…
Joint press release by BPI, BVMed, IHO and VDGH "Ethanol is indispensable in the medical field - and must remain so!"
Four healthcare industry associations are warning against the planned hazard classification of ethanol in a current procedure by the European…