Working group: Devices

The Devices Working Group deals with international standardization in the field of diagnostic devices and serves as a platform for the exchange of information on new standardization projects and requirements for devices in Europe and internationally.

The members are actively involved in the drafting of standards at the IEC and directly contribute the opinion of the working group.

Objectives of the WG:

  • To create a forum for exchanging views on problems that arise
  • To develop common positions
  • To enable a uniform approach to German authorities
  • To contribute a German position to the MedTech Europe umbrella organization
  • To influence EU legislation

In addition to the aforementioned main focus, the working group offers members the opportunity to exchange information on similar problems in third countries.

Contact person

Dr. Sascha Wettmarshausen

Regulatory Affairs & Quality, Deputy Managing Director

+49 30 200 599-44