Working group: Animal by-products

The Animal By-products Working Group (ABP) was founded in response to Regulation (EC) 1774/2002, which was replaced by the two Regulations (EC) 1069/2009 and (EU) 142/2011. These regulations govern the import, handling, intra-Community transport and approval conditions of establishments with regard to so-called "animal by-products not intended for human consumption".

For the German IVD industry, the import of goods and raw materials with components of animal origin is particularly affected and associated with problems.

Objectives of the WG:

  • To create a forum for the exchange of information on problems that arise
  • To develop common positions
  • To enable a uniform approach to German authorities
  • To introduce a German position into the umbrella organization Medtech Europe
  • To influence EU legislation

In addition to the aforementioned focal points, the working group offers members the opportunity to exchange information on similar problems in third countries.

Contact person

Dr. Sascha Wettmarshausen

Regulatory Affairs & Quality, Deputy Managing Director

+49 30 200 599-44