
Diabetes self-management

Manufacturers of glucose measurement systems are involved in the Diabetes Self-Management Committee. The VDGH offers them a platform for exchanging information on all relevant topics relating to diabetes care and the special features of self-administered tests.

Contact person

Dr. Martin Walger

Managing Director

+49 30 200 599-41

Dr. Martin Walger ist seit September 2008 Geschäftsführer des Verbandes der Diagnostica-Industrie e.V. in Berlin. In dieser Funktion wurde er 2017 in den Vorstand des europäischen Dachverbandes MedTech Europe gewählt und bekleidet diese Position seitdem durchgängig. Der promovierte Volkswirt verfügt über langjährige Erfahrungen in Verbänden und Institutionen des Gesundheitswesens. Von 1995 bis 2008 verantwortete er den Geschäftsbereich Personal und Organisation der Deutschen Krankenhausgesellschaft. Zuvor leitete er den Stabsbereich Medizinisch-ökonomische Grundsatzfragen bei der Bundesknappschaft in Bochum. Nach Abschluss des Studiums forschte Walger drei Jahre am Zentrum für Arbeit und Soziales (ZENTRAS) an der Universität Trier und promovierte über die berufliche Rehabilitation Schwerbehinderter.

The topics of the committee

The members of the committee are united by their self-image of contributing to high-quality, progressive and patient-centered care for people with diabetes with their own products and services. At the request of an existing working group, this was transformed into a committee in 2010. The Diabetes Self-Management Committee interacts with other VDGH committees, in particular the Market and Communication Committee and the Market Research Working Group.

Further topics

  • Information and exchange on healthcare policy and legislation as well as consultation processes and decisions of the self-administration that are related to diabetes care. This also includes looking at pharmaceutical policy and its implementation by the Federal Joint Committee.
  • Positioning on care issues (self-measurement, early detection, national diabetes strategy) and relevant legislative projects
  • Preparation of documents on the importance of glucose self-measurement
  • Further development of the SHI's list of medical aids
  • Digital health policy, in particular digital health applications / digital care applications, interoperability, integration of medical aids into the telematics structure
  • Waste legislation and disposal of old devices
  • Quality assurance guidelines for laboratories of the German Medical Association (Rili-BÄK)

Other committees